I am such a slacker it's not even funny. Have a couple new songs, but tired of posting the list online. Check out Podsafe Audio for the latest. New pics up in the Visual area, so check that out too. Woohoo I'm going to get back in the game!
Been a long while since I've updated this site. My mp3s can be found on Soundclick.com now, which you can access through this page. Songs that are too big for the limits of Soundclick or other music sites will be posted in clips on this site from now on. I need to do some major work here, and get cracking. Um, peace. Or pice.
I just discovered that people actually look at my site, so I updated. New demos can be heard on the discography page, and new song titles can be viewed. I HAVE been writing!
Everything was so quiet in alysQn muZaK for a while.. gotta spice it up! Today, after my 4th of July gig, I got my first fucking citation for speeding. Fuck those cops! Instead of being mad, though, I felt myself going insane. Thus, "My Fish Smokes Crack". Check it out on my discography page. It's a fun song! Laterz!
So much, so much... The Orange Soda Song is nearly complete... just need a bassline... you can see it on my discography page. Mechanical Gypsy, a song that is, at the moment, ONLY gypsy, is in the works, as well as a few other pieces. Justin rawks! Thanks to him, I have Cubase at my disposal, and music is so much easier to make... previously recorded pieces cannot be loaded onto the computer at this point, because of wave conversion problems in which everything pretty much fucks up :( An experimental piece, bOuNcy, is also being produced at this point in time. Must go, so much to do...
The lyricspages are back up. Fuck you who hate them, they're mine, not yours. Up yours ahahaha. OK sorry meds are kicking in... so yeah. Newsong (To Forget) written today, about an encounter. It's going to be my transitory song, hopefully. I have several upcoming songs in the works... one about my Devinkitty and orange soda, one about a sexy banana, one about my last trip, and soforth... so be on the lookout! Laterz!
Due to recent hateful entries in the guestbook, I have decided to take it down. I understand that not everyone understands my music, and might take it the wrong way, but I have taken down my lyrics page as well, until I can write a disclaimer explaining to all the nitwits who take the lyrics personally that they are solely EXPRESSION, not against anyone. I am not taking out my emotions on a HUMAN BEING in any of the songs, but rather, avoiding confrontation by writing lyrics instead. Thank you, and goodbye for now.
A visual section was made today. It will be preceeded by a coupla better images to replace the ones now, but yeah. I'm sure you all know what I look like. But if you don't, then I'm glad. Because I don't care if you want me... cuz I'm yours, yours, yours, anyhow! Um yeah, Manson cover in my head... Yeah. So whatever. Signing off.
((4:52 a.m.))
The Other Side visual completed, the Visual page is now complete for the moment... adieu. Buenos noches. Bonne nuite. Which one?
Due to recent painful words that were said, a new song ("Angry, Hurt and Bloodied") has been written. L'addition, lyrics are now available for the background noize in a new Black Robes song, "Rhumba Amphibian". Enjoy.
A links section has been added, complete with a coupla nice buttons... Photoshop experiments have also been added. Yay.
"The True Story" (once "First Trip") is available on the discography page... I have created a new account for my music so I can load up mp3s in my limited space... I think my recording label's name is going to be AlysQn muZAk... long story, don't want to explain. Not as great as Nitrotic's "Wobblyflux Records", but that's ok... Antique Spiral was also renamed "Spinning ((Into the Void)). Must finish loading now. Check out the guestbook on my personal homepage or on the music homepage. And please report any fucked up links, etc., to the me if you find any!
The site in general has a lot more additions, and The Other Side has been written. A discography page can now be added, since I released a very shitty first ep to a friend for analysis. When mixing is mastered, the three-song ep will be available for my waiting public. I am also working on French vocals for the song Rhumba Amphibian by Black Robes. Must sleep now.
I've decided to post the controversial lyrics, because no one goes to my website, much less reads lyrics or the news, anyway... the lineup for my demo EP is huge, I don't know which to pick to make it an EP and not just an album... 10 songs, folks... let's list now (keep in mind that many names are tenative): Evil Experiment, First Trip, Antique Spiral, For Greg, Untitled, Derranged and Detained, Endless Dreams, Speculative Syntax, Heartbreak, and Dark Star. Be waiting for the recording process to begin, and for those of you who actually care, for the demo to be out.
I lost my will to exist for a while, and fell back into the void oncemore... but I've conquered, sort of, and created last night... Derranged and Detained, perhaps Dark Star, will be complete soon! Derranged is now a demented mix of rock, 80's video-game electronica, and lyrical singingviolin... Dark Star is still in consideration, but I fucked with the distortions on my recorder and discovered a badass combination that could prove useful to harden the edges on my beautiful star... :-) Despite my dad's shitty recorder eating my Dark Star tape, it WILL prevail!!! Bow down to the stars!!!
(3:54 a.m.)
Between watching the cat rip things apart and dig lost cattoys out of strange corners of my room and drinking orange juice, I have created a new hiddenpage, and a new page, for my main site. There are now a total of four hiddenpages, all within pages on my site, not external links, and not the index page. Find them all, if you can!
Today Greg Lea of Hungover re-recorded the Tool song Sober... it was absolutely amazing, the best he's ever done, and Martens and I could only gape in awe as he belted out a nearly perfect rendition. Afterwards, Chris helped me with a song I'm working on, tenatively called "Tanagram", to make it sound harder. It has a lot of potential, and I am looking forward to the results. So far, I have only a couple of completed songs, and many in the works, from various genres using everything from a baby-grand piano and acoustic violin to my wonderful Viper (made by Mark Wood).